experimental game

trifling matters
trifling matters is an interactive video produced using a game engine. It explores a virtual space through non-linear narratives. The audience is crash landed on the 3D digital planet that looks like a landscape of galactic desert, where is covered up with portraits of various races, genders, and ages. Each area on this planet plays a short narration about relationships. As the audience navigates through his/her own path with a familiar interface - a game controller, the order and duration of the scenario is determined. The plot of the story is tangled and restructured every time.

Primal nest
Primal Nest is an experimental 3D video game where the viewer is invited to play. A participant can zoom into the frame and navigate the virtual landscape through an inter-vaginal perspective. The interior is a female womb, humanity’s primal nest, imagined and constructed with disembodied legs, arms, hands, fingers, and toes. The virtual reality scene contains a light source, water, and sound. Shadow, reflection, and echo are rendered in real-time as the viewer explores. The work is installed in domestic environments — ordinary entertainment centers that include TV, table, and video game consoles — so as to be approachable and interacted with instinctively.
interactive installation

i am, you are
i am, you are is a performative work that prompts the audience to fully immerse themselves in a stimulated situation that questions our subjective perception. Kinect devices capture the silhouette of audience members and video is projected onto his/her body. A software program I developed masks the video to fit on the audience members’ silhouette. The video is of sentences that start with the phrases: “i am” or “you are.” The text is projected in real-time. Audiences can see the imagery on their own body and displayed on the bodies of others. There is no single performer and no screen for projection. Instead, the audience automatically becomes performer and screen simultaneously.

Untitled (christmas cake)
Christmas is often compared with a woman's age. A woman over 25 years old is referred to as "leftover Christmas cake" and considered to be past her prime, undesirable, used goods and/or no good.